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sample syllabi

We have an assortment of sample syllabi collected to support education of Restoration and eighteenth-century theatre. These syllabi were compiled from members of the Collective as well as other accomplished educators. We are tremendously grateful to all our colleagues around the world for sharing their syllabi with us.


Courses by Instructor

Courses by Instructor

Emily Hodgson Anderson

Foundations of the

18th Century Fiction
and the Self

Rewriting Shakespeare

Shakespeare through
the (Early Modern) Ages

Literature and 
Performance in 18th 
Century England

Performance Studies
and Theatrical Time

Helen Burke

Ethnographic Imagination in the
18th Century

Love, Marriage, and Gender in Rest/18th Century British Drama

Laura Engel

18th Century Film

Queens of the
Long 18th Century

Queer 18th Century
Literature - 
Sapphic Subjects

Drama and 
Material Culture

Marcie Frank

18th Century Drama #1

18th Century Drama #2

The Fop and the
Parameters of Style

Lisa Freeman

Fashioning Celebrities,
Performing Plays

Rest/18th Century 
Literature: Wherefore
Art Thou Shakespeare?

Jean Marsden

Restoration & 
18th Century Drama

Rest/18th Century
(Capstone Course)

Rest/18th Century
Literature and Sexuality

Women and Theatre

Daniel O'Quinn

18th and 19th Century

Approaching the
Circum-Atlantic World

British India

Fantasy, Islamophobia, 

Patriotism, Sociability,

Space and the Advent of the Commercial 
Theatre #1

Space and the Advent of the Commercial Theatre #2

Fiona Ritchie

Popular Entertainment
in the Long 18th Century

Theatre History in the
Long 18th Century

Gillian Russell

Performing the 
Georgian World

Jason Shaffer

Pre-WWI American 

Kristina Straub

Acting Out in the 
London Theatre

Restoration and 18th

Century Theatre

David Francis Taylor

Shakespeare in the 
Long 18th Century


Jane Wessell

If Shakespeare
Had a Podcast

Staged Sexualities

Courses by Topic

Courses by TOPIC

Survey Courses

18th Century Drama #1

(Marcie Frank)

18th Century Drama #2

(Marcie Frank)

Theatre History in the
Long 18th Century

(Fiona Ritchie)

Performing the 
Georgian World

(Gillian Russell)

Restoration and 18th

Century Theatre

(Kristina Straub)



(David Francis Taylor)

Popular Entertainment
in the Long 18th Century

(Fiona Ritchie)

Sexuality and Gender

Love, Marriage, and Gender in Rest/18th Century British Drama

Queer 18th Century
Literature - 
Sapphic Subjects

Rest/18th Century
Literature and Sexuality

Women and Theatre

Staged Sexualities

Empire and Colonialism

Pre-WWI American 

Fantasy, Islamophobia, 

(Danny O'Quinn)

British India

(Danny O'Quinn)

Approaching the
Circum-Atlantic World

(Danny O'Quinn)

Performance Studies

Literature and 
Performance in 18th 
Century England

Performance Studies
and Theatrical Time

18th Century Shakespeare

Rewriting Shakespeare

Shakespeare through
the (Early Modern) Ages

Rest/18th Century 
Literature: Wherefore
Art Thou Shakespeare?

Shakespeare in the 
Long 18th Century

If Shakespeare
Had a Podcast

Theatre and the Novel

Foundations of the

18th Century Fiction
and the Self

The Fop and the
Parameters of Style

Theatre, Visual Art, and Material Culture

Performance Studies
and Theatrical Time

Literature and 
Performance in 18th 
Century England

Space and the Advent 
of the Commercial 
Theatre #1

Space and the Advent 
of the Commercial 
Theatre #2

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